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From TikTok to Tedium: The Rise of 'NPC Streaming' and the Death of Our Attention Spans"

In the latest TikTok trend dubbed 'NPC streaming,' where users emulate non-playable characters (NPCs) from video games, we have found the nadir of our dwindling attention spans. A typical scenario might involve a user barking out a monotonous, meaningless catchphrase like a glitched video game character on a loop, collecting digital ice cream cones or roses as a form of currency from their hypnotized audience. The most successful of these TikTokers, it seems, can make up to $7,000 a day for perfecting the soulless repetition of five utterances.

It's a phenomenon that's as humorous as it is harrowing. A kind of "Dadaism for the digital age", if you will. Absurdity and repetition were the weapons of Dadaists against the mindless violence of World War I, but who knew we'd weaponize them against ourselves a century later, launching an all-out assault on the very concept of interesting content.

Each viral video presents a tongue-in-cheek parody of the monotony of NPC dialogue, and in turn, the monotony of our digital lives. We've created a self-perpetuating cycle of attention deficit, where we make videos about things that lack substance because we lack the attention to handle anything of substance.

The joke is on us, really. We've become so desperate to escape the humdrum of reality that we've begun to idolize the inanity of programmed, repetitive digital characters. By indulging in the absurdity of 'NPC streaming', we're admitting that our attention spans have regressed to such an extent that listening to someone say "Mmm, ice cream so good" on repeat is somehow a preferred form of entertainment.

With the digital world becoming a vast playground for our collective ADD, it seems the demise of our attention spans is not just an imminent reality, but one we're gleefully embracing. As we consume mind-numbingly pointless content, the world may well ask if our appetite for the absurd has finally reached its limit. Judging by the popularity of 'NPC streaming', it appears we've only just begun to descend down this rabbit hole. The question remains: how much further can we go before we completely forget why we logged on in the first place?

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